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INGENIO [CSIC-UPV] regularly organizes seminars on topics related to the interests of our members. You will find below the list of upcoming and past seminars.

Organizing committee: Adrián A. Díaz-Faes & François Perruchas.

Forthcoming Seminars

  • Sustainability and Transformative Learning Spaces. The experience of the Sustainability Universities in South Africa (SUSA) project.

    Melanie Walker - South African Research Chair in Higher Education and Human Development. Univesity of the Free State, South Africa.

    The Sustainability Universities in South Africa (SUSA) project ran from July 2022 to December 2023, with a second phase planned for 2025. The research team were interested in how can/does higher education mobilize and develop transformative, just learning spaces towards sustainable and regenerative values, practices and futures across classrooms, campus, and communities. We interviewed people at two university sites to map and compare diverse university stakeholder understandings and looked for transformative actions.

  • DIMARTS DE CIÈNCIA TRANSFORMADORA: Transformative Leadership in Science

    Jonathan Grant - Different Angles

    Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) and INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) organize Els Dimarts de Ciència Transformadora, a community space for debate where contents and good practices are shared and where reflection and critical thinking on aspects related to science and research are invited, with people from the research ecosystem as protagonists.
    Next session:

  • Mapping new knowledge: Using novelty measures critically

    Magda Fontana - University of Turin

    Recent concerns about potential biases against novelty in science and a perceived decline in creativity have raised interest in quantitatively measuring novelty in research outputs such as scientific articles and patents. However, defining and measuring novelty is a complex task, as it involves capturing the elusive spark of creativity, which is inherently unobservable. This paper proposes a systematic approach to tackle these challenges. First, we propose a theoretical framework to conceptualize the novelty, thereby offering clarity in its measurement.

  • La ciencia en la fantasía épica

    Mariano Martín Rodriguez - Investigador Independiente

    La fantasy o fantasía épica es uno de los géneros de ficción más populares e influyentes en la actualidad. Según la idea popular, la fantasía épica se caracterizaría por la presencia y actividad de instancias y elementos sobrenaturales, sobre todo la magia, en el seno de civilizaciones imaginarias de aire antiguo y legendario. Esta concepción contradice la práctica comercial de presentar en las mismas secciones la fantasía épica y la ciencia ficción, un género que, por basarse en las ciencias naturales y en la tecnología, excluye lo mágico.

Previous Seminars

A comprehensive list of past seminars is available here.